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Om Gam Gaum Ganapataye Vighna Vinashine Swaha 1008 | Ganesha Mantra to remove obstacles from Life


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Lord Ganesha Mantra to remove obstacles from Life "Om Gam Gaum Ganapataye Vighna Vinashine Swaha" 1008 times | Ganapati Mantra to remove all obstacles from Life and Career The mantra "Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha" is a popular and revered mantra in Hinduism, dedicated to Lord Ganesha, the deity of intellect, wisdom, and the remover of obstacles. The extended version you've mentioned, "Om Gam Gaum Ganapataye Vighna Vinashine Swaha," specifically invokes Ganesha's power to remove obstacles and bestow favor upon endeavors and new beginnings. Here's a breakdown of the mantra: Om: The universal sound; the original vibration from which all the cosmos has arisen. Gam: The seed syllable or bija mantra of Lord Ganesha; it is used to invoke his energy. Ganapataye: Another name for Ganesha, referring to him as the lord of the ganas (categories, or troops, of divine entities). Vighna Vinashine: Literally translates to "the remover of obstacles." Swaha: A concluding word often used in Vedic rituals meaning "I offer" or "so be it." It marks the end of the mantra, offering it to God. This mantra is often chanted when starting new ventures, such as a new job or moving to a new home, to clear the path of potential difficulties and bring about success and prosperity. The repetitive use of this mantra is believed to secure Ganesha's blessings and protection. © Powerofmantra. Any reproduction or republication is prohibited. Subscribe: #powerofmantra #bhakti #mantra #subscribe
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